Artissima Fair, I WANT TO BE A FUTURIST, 2014

On 9th November 2014 h12,15 am in Artissima Fair, Meeting Point, Oval Lingotto, Turin, Italy there will be the Talk “I WANT TO BE A FUTURIST” by Manuel De Santaren – American Collector of Videoart, Co-chair of the Photographic Comittee Solomon Guggenheim Museum NY, Member of the Commission of the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston, Member of the Board of Directors of the Cisneros Fontanals Foundation of Miami, Videoinsight® Foundation Board Member – and Rebecca Russo – President of the Videoinsight® Foundation, Director of the Videoinsight® Center, Italian Collector, Founder of the Videoinsight® Advanced Course Degree at the University of Bologna, Researcher, Philantropist, Writer, creator of Videoinsight® Method, Videoinsight® Concepts, Videoinsight® Formats.