Videoinsight® Portrait is the new format designed by Giada Gaiotto and launched by the Videoinsight® Foundation. It is the result of the integration of two Performances: that of the artist creating the portrait and that of the person who decides to have his picture taken. Both are active and contribute to the creative process. It is a real artwork, originating from a deep psychological, diagnostic, cathartic, transformative, therapeutic research realized by the artist with the participation of the subject.TO PORTRAY, in Italian “RITRARRE” from the latin “TRAHERE: TO TAKE OUT THE IMAGE OF SOMEONE” – is the performative deep, transformative, evolutive, therapeutic Portrait action made by the artist Giada Gaiotto, starting from a photograph selected by the subject in a free choice among those taken in the hic et nunc (“selfie” or traditional). The result is a “Faceworld Portrait”: in a face is represented in fact a whole world, particularly the “world” of that person. The subject chooses what to enter in the world picture. In the search process of the essential elements of the portrait he “sees” something more about himself.
Using the same photography, it’s possible to make multiple PORTRAITS, different, complementary of Himself, using various images that correspond to thoughts and passions. The experience of the Portrait becomes exploratory, attitudinal and therapeutic as a consequence. The portraits are made photographically first and then using oil on canvas.
The image-elements to realize the work are collected through an interview based on the fundamental questions related to sample-images orientating the artistic process.
The Videoinsight® Portrait experience is realizable with kids as well. In this case, the artist asks to the children to draw by hand or on the computer with the Tuxpaint program. The drawing becomes particularly meaningful to bring out the personality. The Drawing partially replaces the Interview. The children are requested to nominate their preferences with respect to leisure as well.