Rebecca Russo is President of the Videoinsight® Foundation, Director of the Videoinsight® Center, Professor of the Videoinsight® Advanced Course at Bologna University, Italy.
She has a Ph. D in Relational and Systemic Psychotherapy. Her research dissertation was ‘The Contributions of the Rorschach’s Test to the Nosographic Differentiation of Schizophrenic Diseases’, a study based on the experimental delivery of the Rorschach Test to a group of 50 schizophrenic patients. Her research allowed her to relate the patients’ schizophrenic typologies to their interpretations of the Rorschach images.
She has worked in the fields of the Research, Psycho-Diagnostic (Rorschach Projective Test), Clinical Psychology (Support and Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples and Families at three generations level), Education Psychology (Prevention, Psycho-aptitude Orientation, Therapy of the Learning and Attention Disorders), Evolutionary and Adolescent Psychology (Prevention and Therapy of the Youth Problems and of the Alimentary Disorders), Psychiatry (Treatment of Psychosis in Rehabilitation at the former Psychiatric Hospitals, in Psychology Therapy in the Policlinics and in Integrated Therapy dedicated to the Youthful Psychosis) and Psychosomatics. Rebecca’s work in Psychiatric Hospitals opened the possibility to start a year long Rehabilitation Project through use of visuals taken from Contemporary Art with the psychotic patients.
She showed art movies to heterogeneous groups of people, experimenting the creative power of sharing thoughts and emotions produced by cinematographic works.
She is Researcher, Philantropist, Writer, Art Lover, Producer, Art Collector. She supports Art and Artists in the World.
She has one of the largest Collections of Contemporary Art in Europe: the ‘Videoinsight® Collection’.
Her Videoinsight® Collection’s curatorial line is based on selecting contemporary art that contains a high psychological impact and offers real psycho-diagnostic and psycho-therapeutic potential.
She created the Videoinsight® Center (2010), the Videoinsight® Method, Videoinsight® Format: Videoinsight® Walk (2008), Videoinsight® Interpretative Museum (2008), Videoinsight® Room (2012), Videoinsight® Corner (2012), Videoinsight® Channel (2014), Videoinsight® World (2013), Videoinsight® Collector Room (2014), Videoinsight® Portrait (2010), Videoinsight® Performance (2010), Videoinsight® Hotel (2013), Videoinsight® Prize (2011), Videoinsight® Sport (2014), Videoinsight® Training (2012), Videoinsight® Emergency (2011), Videoinsight® App, Videoinsight® Art For Care (2014), Videoinsight® School (2016).
In 2011 Rebecca Russo launched the Videoinsight® Walk: a new Method to look at the Contemporary Artworks during an Art Exhibition through the revelation of psychodiagnostic and psycotherapeutic meanings. Since 2011 many Experiences of the Videoinsight® Audio Walks were made in the world.
The Videoinsight® Foundation was set up by Rebecca Russo in 2013. It is a private, non-profit organization, with legal status and funds restricted to its pursuit of the statutory goals of integrating Contemporary Art, Psychology and Medicine. It came as the result of an intense clinical practice and a research career carried out with hundreds of people through the use of Contemporary Art in Psychotherapy. It was also the starting point of a long term Research project in the fields of Psycho-Diagnosis, Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation, and the exploration of the therapeutic potential of Art. The Videoinsight® Foundation’s mission carries on the experience of the Psycho-physic Wellness Promotion through Contemporary Art.
The Videoinsight® Method has been tested since 2012 in Medical Researches at University Hospitals.
Results have been published in International Journals and presented in many Lectures at International Congresses around the world (2013-2016).
On October 2011 Rebecca Russo proposed a innovative research to the Rizzoli Orthopaedics Institutes in order to test the Videoinsight® Method with patients undergoing knee surgery. Three months later, the Ethics Committee of the Institute, comprising 21 experts, approved the project. The research was done with a 100 hospital patients watched 16 art videos. The group of patients who watched Videos containing a High Videoinsight® Impact, showed greater Wellbeing, and recovered quicker than the ones who watched movies with low Videoinsight® Impact. Indeed in January 2012 Rebecca Russo introduced the Videoinsight® Method in a year – long Medical Research, regularly approved by Institutional Ethical Committees. This first Research has been performed with the most rigorous methods of International Research Protocol and has been conducted at Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute in Bologna. The title of the study was: ‘Video- Acl Research’. The application of Videoinsight® Method to improve the functional recovery after Anterior Cruciate ligament reconstruction’. The experimental protocol has been conducted in collaboration with Prof. M. Marcacci teams. Rebecca Russo had shown to 100 adult patients, undergoing rehabilitation program, 16 art videos (selected and evaluated according to their high or low Videoinsight® Impact). The objective of the study has been to evaluate the efficacy of Videoinsight® Method in improving and speed up the functional recovery of patients during the rehabilitation phase after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery of the knee. For the first time Contemporary Art was used according to this novel approach in Medicine, as a Rehabilitation support. Results have been published in International Journals and presented in many Lectures at International Congresses around the world (2013-2015).
In June 2013 a second experimental application of the Videoinsight® Method in Medicine started at Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute in Bologna, under the name ‘Video-Tka Research’. Here too, it was in the form of a year-long Experimental Research Protocol regularly approved by the Ethical Committee and following the most rigorous scientific methods of International Research Protocol. The title of the study was ‘The use of Videoinsight® Method to improve the physical recovery after cemented total knee prosthetic implant’. The study was performed in collaboration with the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute directed by Prof. M. G. Benedetti and with the Second Orthopaedic Department of Bologna University. In this Study 100 elderly patients that underwent total knee prosthesis during the Rehabilitation Program participated in Videoinsight® Method. The subjects were shown four artistic videos, selected for their High Videoinsight® Impact after Tka surgery. The main hypothesis of the study was that the use of Videoinsight® Method positively influences the pain level and the functional post-operative recovery of patients operated of total knee prosthesis at 3 months follow-up. The hypothesis was verified. Results have been published in International Journals and presented in many Lectures at International Congresses around the world (2014-2016): Toronto, Hiroshima, Buenos Aires, Newark, Amsterdam, Sofia, Lion, London, Genova, Parma, Turin, Rome.
At International level, in cooperation with the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute in Bologna, was made a new application of the Videoinsight® Method in Medicine: the ‘Pilot Multicentric Study PF-Project for the use of the Videoinsight® Method in Therapy to treat the anterior knee pain of young patients with patello-femoral problems not suitable for surgical treatment’. This study was performed simultaneously at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis Orthopaedic Surgery Center directed by Professor Elisabeth Arendt, M.D.; in France at the Lyon Orthoclinic Chirurgie du Sport et de l’Arthrose directed by Doctor D. Dejour; in Japan at the Kobe University in cooperation with Prof. R. Kuroda; in Molise at Health Science University in collaboration with Prof. A. Schiavone Panni. It was the third experimental application of the Videoinsight® Method in Medicine. It was also the first international muticentric experimental application of Videoinsight® Method in Medicine. For the first time the Videoinsight® Method was utilized as Therapy and not just as a support to a post surgical Rehabilitation protocol.
The Videoinsight® Foundation created 42 ‘Videoinsight® Rooms’ and ‘Videoinsight® Corners’ for watching Art Videos from Videoinsight® Collection, at University Public Hospitals in the world for the Promotion of the Psycho-physical Wellbeing of patients, families and hospital Health operators.
Rebecca Russo teached the Videoinsight® Method in two Masters in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bologna: Health Counseling and Posturology.
In 2014 she introduced in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna, the ‘Videoinsight® Method Advanced Permanent Course’.
In 2016 the Videoinsight® Foundation launched the revolutionary Videoinsight® Art for Care App, the App for mobile devices for promoting psychophysical well-being through Videoinsight® Method. The App works on iPhone and Apple’s iPad, all smartphones with Android operating system (created by Google). This mobile and interactive user platform is published internationally. It has been developed in English language by Namaqua Studio LTD Suite 40, 372 Old Street EC1V 9LT – London UK. It is a support for the physical and psychological health achieved through the Video Art, selected on the basis on its transformative potential with the aim of catalyzing the Videoinsight® psychological experience.
Videoinsight® means awareness and therapeutic transformation. It is a simple and basic intuition, a discovery that involves the mind and emotions on a conscious and unconscious level.Viewers are invited to interact in a profound and dynamic user menu with selected art videos and traits from the Videoinsight® Collection.
The Videoinsight® impact factor evaluates the effectiveness of certain videos and artworks; the capacity to reduce psychological and psychosomatic distress after stress, increase strength, improve the cognitive and behavioral power, stimulate problem-solving skills, promote the orientation of the attitudes and talents, cause evolution.
The Videoinsight® Method was been verified in clinical, psychological and medical institutions. It integrates culture and health in a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. The effectiveness of Videoinsight® Method has been objectively proven through many medical studies and it is well recognized by the international scientific community.The art videos were chosen with competence, responsibility and professional ethics on the basis of the specific psychological needs of the viewer. The ability to select the appropriate video is the result of many years of research and scientific tests, that were carried out on the basis of specific and integrated expertise in psycho-therapeutic, medical and artistic fields. The new Videoinsight® Art for Care software App for mobile devices is an important milestone for flexibility and usability of the practical Videoinsight® method; it enables the Foundation to help more people and makes users independent from other facilities and is an ideal supplement to all other Videoinsight® programs.
The App contains the following programs:
Videoinsight® Art for Hospital Care
Videoinsight® Art for Emergency Care
Videoinsight® Art for Sports Care
Videoinsight® Art School for Care
Videoinsight® Art for Care Training
R. Russo ‘Videoinsight®. Healing with contemporary art’, Milan Silvana Ed. 2011
R. Russo ‘Videoinsight®. Curare con l’arte contemporanea’, Milano Silvana Ed. 2011
R. Russo ‘The Videoinsight® Method’ Milan Postmedia Books 2012
R. Russo ‘The Videoinsight® Concept’ CIC Ed. Internazionali Rome e-book on Apple Store 2013
Videoinsight® Foundation ‘Pressing’, Videoinsight® Foundation Publisher Milan 2013
R. Russo, S. Zaffagnini, et al Videoinsight® ‘Art for Care’ in ‘Psychology Research Progress. Art Therapy. Programs, Uses and Benefits’
Vincent Buchanan Editor Nova Science Publishers Inc 2016
Scientific references
Gennaio 2012- Dicembre 2012 Ricerca Scientifica Video Acl presso IOR Università e Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy
15 Novembre 2013 Università di Ferrara Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche. Master UNIFE sulla PREVENZIONE diretto dal Prof. Roberto Ferrari Lezione di Videoinsight®
18-19 Aprile 2013, Bologna, Italy VIII° Congresso Nazionale GRP – “La Psicosomatica clinica tra salute e malattia” – Rebecca L. Russo, ’Video- Acl Research’ Poster, Psicologia | Università di Bologna
Maggio 2012, Bologna, Italy Alma Mater Studiorum
International Association for Art and Psychology Convegno “Arte e Artiterapie”, Santa Cristina, Bologna, Rebecca Russo ‘Il Metodo Videoinsight®’
Russo R., Il Metodo Videoinsight® in Arte e arti terapie. Più di un confronto, più di un dialogo Quaderni di Psico Art 2012
Febbraio 2012, Bologna, Italy Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Rebecca Russo, “Lezione di Videoinsight®, in collaborazione con il Prof. Maurizio Giuffredi
Russo R., Zaffagnini S. The Videoinsight® Method enhances rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: preliminary results VIII GRP Psychosomatic Medicine 2013
Zaffagnini S, Russo RL, Marcheggiani Muccioli GM, Marcacci M., ‘The Videoinsight® method: improving rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction – a preliminary study’.
Video Acl Research 2012
Russo R., Zaffagnini S. et al. The Videoinsight® Method: improving rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction – a preliminary study, KSSTA on line, Springer, January 2013
Zaffagnini S, Russo RL, Marcheggiani Muccioli GM, Marcacci M., ‘The Videoinsight® method: improving rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction – a preliminary study’. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Apr. 21(4):851-8.
Russo R., Zaffagnini S. The Videoinsight® Method: improving rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction – a preliminary study
Psychology Research March 2014 Vol. 4 Number 3 David Publishing Company New York
Russo R., Adiutori S., ‘Immagini come Cura tra Arte, Psicologia e Medicina’ Nuove Arti Terapie n. 23 – 24 Gennaio 2015
Russo R., Zaffagnini S. ‘Videoinsight®: a new psychological enhancing method to speed – up rehabilitation’, Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Studies Semnan University of Medical Sciences August 2015
Russo R., Art and Science: a unique world’ KSSTA Vol.23 Number 3 April 2015
Russo R., Zaffagnini S. et al. ‘Videoinsight® Art for Care’ in Psychology Research Progress. Art Therapy. Programs, Uses and Benefits. V. Buchanan 2016 Nova Science Publishers
Zaffagnini S., Russo RL, Marcheggiani Muccioli GM, Marcacci M., Advanced Clinical Evidence Report: ‘The Videoinsight® Method improves subjective outcomes in ACL rehabilitation’ June 2014
Zaffagnini S., Russo RL, Marcheggiani Muccioli GM, Marcacci M., June 2014 , Orthoevidence: ‘The Videoinsight® Method improves subjective outcomes in ACL rehabilitation’
August 17, 2015 University of Newark, Delaware, USA Lecture ‘The Videoinsight® Method’ by Rebecca Russo
Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2014 5th Balkan Congress of Arthroscopy, Sport and Traumatology and knee surgery – 9th Congress of Bulgarian Society of Arthroscopy, Sport Surgery and Trauma ’The Videoinsight® Method’ by Rebecca Russo
September 2014, Parma Sigascot National Congress ’The Videoinsight® Method’ by Rebecca Russo
Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2014 XIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Argentina de Artroscopía (AAA)- II Congreso Asociación de Artroscopia de Norteamérica (AANA)- I Congreso European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgey and Arthroscopy Esska ’The Videoinsight® Method’ by Rebecca Russo
14-17 May 2014 Amsterdam 16th ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy) Congress ’The Videoinsight® Method’ by Rebecca Russo
PF Videoinsight® Project E. Arendt, D.Dejour, S. Zaffagnini, R.L. Russo, R. Kuroda, Schiavone Panni A. PF Project ‘Multicenter International Research Project 2013-2015, Conservative treatment of Anterior Knee Pain utilizing a novel psychological enhancement technique – The Videoinsight® Method- to improve clinical outcomes’, Minneapolis University of Minnesota Orthopaedic Surgery, Lyon, Kobe, Bologna in collaborazione con la Prof. Elisabeth A. Arendt, Lyon, France Lyon Ortho Clinic- Chirurgie du Sport et de l’Arthrose, in collaborazione con il Dr. David Dejour PF, Kobe Japan Kobe University, in collaborazione con il Prof. Ryosuke Kuroda, Universita’ del Molise, in collaborazione con il Prof. A. Schiavone Panni.
R. Russo, Zaffagnini S, Benededetti M.G., Video Tka Research 2014, ‘L’utilizzo del Metodo Videoinsight® per migliorare il recupero fisico dopo l’intervento di protesi totale cementata di ginocchio’, Rizzoli Hospital
R. Russo,’The Videoinsight® Method improves subjective outcomes in ACL rehabilitation’, 5th Balkan Congress of Arthroscopy, Sport Traumatology and knee surgery; 9th Congress of Bulgarian Society of Arthroscopy, Sport Surgery and Trauma, October 10-12, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Zaffagnini S, R. Russo,’The Videoinsight® Method improves subjective outcomes in ACL rehabilitation’, 5° Congresso Nazionale SIGASCOT, 24-26 Settembre, Parma, Italia
Zaffagnini S, R. Russo,’The Videoinsight® Method improves subjective outcomes in ACL rehabilitation’, 13rd Congreso International de la Asociacion Argentina de Artroscopia (AAA), 4-7 Junio, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Zaffagnini S, R. Russo,’The Videoinsight® Method: Application in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation’, 16th ESSKA congress, 14-17 May 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Zaffagnini S, R. Russo,’The Videoinsight® Method: Application in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation’, 98° Congresso Nazionale SIOT, 26-29 Ottobre 2013, Genova, Italia
Zaffagnini S, R. Russo,’The Videoinsight® Method: Application in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation’, Mini-Magellan 2013 Meeting, 14th May 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Zaffagnini S, R. Russo, ‘The Videoinsight® Method: Application in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation’, ‘ACL Laxity evaluation Past, Present and future’, Hiroshima University, Japan,
Gennaio 2014, Milano, Italy Attivazione Videoinsight® Corner, Istituto Ospedaliero Gaetano Pini, Milano
Ottobre 2013, Bologna, Italy Attivazione Videoinsight® Room Istituto Rizzoli Bologna
Luglio 2013, Kobe , Japan Kobe University ”Patello Femoral Videoinsight® Concept Meeting”, in collaborazione con il Prof. Ryosuke Kuroda e il Prof. Masahiro Kurosaka ‘Video- Acl Research’
Luglio 2013, Hiroshima, Japan Hiroshima University, Japan, in collaborazione con il Prof. Mitsuo Ochi ’Video- Acl Research’
12-16 Maggio 2013, Toronto. Canada ISAKOS International Society of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, CONGRESS 2013 TORONTO CANADA MINI MAGELLAN MEETING 14 May, 2013 ”The Videoinsight® Method: improving rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a preliminary study…”, in collaborazione con il Prof. Stefano Zaffagnini
Maggio 2013, Pescara Istituto Ospedaliero di Chirurgia Pediatrica di Pescara, Applicazione del metodo Videoinsight® in Pediatria, in collaborazione con il Prof. PierLuigi Lelli Chiesa
26-29 Ottobre 2013, Genova, Italy SIOT 98 Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ortopedia e di Traumatologia “The VideoAcl Research”, in collaborazione con il Prof. Stefano Zaffagnini
R. Russo, The Videoinsight® Method, Lesson at the Posturology Master 2014, Medicine Faculty, Bologna University
Videoinsight® Method Advanced Course, Faculty of Medicine, Alma Mater Foundation, University of Bologna 2015
R. Russo, The Videoinsight® Method, Lecture, Beirut, Saint George Hospital, December 2014
Nuove Arti Terapie n. 23 – 24 Gennaio 2015, ‘Immagini come Cura tra Arte, Psicologia e Medicina’ by Silvia Adiutori e Rebecca Russo, Il Metodo Videoinsight®
R.Russo, ‘The Videoinsight® Method’, Turin, Unione Industriale, Sigascot Congress, March 5 2015
R. Russo, The Videoinsight® Advanced Course, Sigascot Magazine 2015/1
Videoinsight® Rooms
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Orthopaedic Surgery Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences, in Giappone
Giappone, Kobe University
OrthoSport Victoria Hospital in Melbourne, Australia
Sports Science Orthopaedic Surgical Day Centre in Cape Town, Sudafrica
Department of Orthopaedics,Traumatology and Sport Medicine at the University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey
Bulgarian association of arthroscopy and sport traumatology, Bulgaria
Saint George Hospital di Beirut (i video d’arte sono proiettati in tutti i reparti direttamente nelle stanze attraverso un canale Videoinsight®)
Department of Orthopaedics at Academic Medical Center, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Francia, Lyon Orthoclinic Chirurgie du Sport et de l’Arthrose di Lione
Ospedale Universitario HUG, Geneve, Svizzera
Department of Chirurgie, Universitäts klinikum Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg
Reparto di Ortopedia e Traumatologia S.C.D.U dell’Ospedale Mauriziano Umberto I, Torino
Presidio Ospedaliero Consolata Fatebenefratelli, San Maurizio (Piemonte), Reparti di Cura e di Degenza nella Struttura Complessa Alzheimer e Altre Demenze Senili UV
Istituto Ospedaliero G. Pini, Universita’ di Milano
Universita’ degli Studi del Molise, Dipartimento di Medicina, Scienze della Salute, Scienze del Benessere
Clinica Fornaca, Torino
Santa Maria dei Goti, Campania
Videoinsight® Room at Rizzoli Hospital, Bologna, Italy,
Videoinsight® Corner at Gaetano Pini Hospital, Milano, Italy