Artribune Magazine | April 30, 2021

Thomas Braida, L’assaggiatore di nuvole, 2019, olio su tela, 185 x 150
Bollettino Notiziario Ufficiale dell’Ordine Provinciale dei Medici di Bologna – Anno Li N.9 Settembre 2020
(ISSN 2281-4744 Edizione Stampa – ISSN 2281-4825 Edizione digitale)
Il Metodo Videoinsight® pp.8-11
July 16, 2020 Contemporary Heart | Rebecca Russo by Katia Tenti
Il quadrante sdrucciolevole. Mostra di Collective.
I Collezionisti raccontano la quarantenaDouble Room 08:00. – 20.00 | 20.00 – 8.00 | 60 Artworks
Un progetto di Mauro De Iorio, a cura di Denis Isaia
Ronald Ventura, Greatest Show, 2012, oil on canvas, Rebecca Russo® Collection, Videoinsight® Collection
Collective | La Collezione Videoinsight®
Let’s join the Videoinsight® Collection on the Videoinsight® YouTube Channel!
Art can heal. Art is powerful. Art can save lives. Art can bring us together even while we are apart. Art is communication. Art is looking at the world from a different angle or from a different point of view. Art has a great capacity to make us feel understood, empowered, and less alone.
In response to COVID-19, Videoinsight® Foundation is launching an Emergency Campaign around the world.
We are looking for Artworks that help to promote Mental Health and Well-being during these times.
Please join us by submitting your works.
Dead line: June, 2020
Stay tuned!
Picture by me_through_your_eyes
Forbes | 2 Marzo, 2020
La collezionista che ha reso l’arte un supporto terapeutico, a cura di Glenda Cinquegrana
Canale Arte
Dieci pittrici internazionali per la Mostra Sirene della Fondazione Videoinsight® a Bologna
a cura di Paola Stroppiana