On 8th December 2014, at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon(AUB), Rebecca Russo, in collaboration with Marwan El Sabban, Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiological Sciences, Director of the Biological Imaging Core Facility, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut, Lebanon- launched the second exhibition dedicated to Pau Golano’, internationally renowned ‘Scientist – Artist’, Superstar for Anatomy Photography in the medical and scientific world and from 2013 exceptional Artist in the System of Contemporary Art also. The exhibition, entitled ‘LIFE’, included 18 photographs and a video installation of stunning beauty.
Pau Golano’,’Life’, 2014. For all images Courtesy Videoinsight® Foundation
In October 2014 the International Medical Journal KSSTA, ‘Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy’, Editor Springer – Verlag (Impact Factor 2013: 2.837), Official Journal ESSKA, European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, Arthroscopy 2014, has published on line the article: ‘Art and Science : a unique world’ by Rebecca Russo. It has been dedicated to Pau Golano’, amazing and genial Artist – Scientist in the Scientific and Artistic World.
“The Human Body as Object of Science is Art too”. (R. Russo)
The intersection of Art and Science is self-evident. In January 2013 Rebecca Russo, created the “Videoinsight® Art and Science Project”.Videoinsight® Art and Science Foundation launched a project for new and unaware artistic talents in the Scientific World working in the fields Medicine, Anatomy, Biology, Microbiology, Physiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, and Astronomy.
Since June 2013 Videoinsight® Foundation also began selecting photography of Cellular Microbiology and Molecular Anatomy that could have artistic potential. These photos made by selected scientists/artists will be presented in an upcoming exhibition focused on the integration of Arts and Science at the microscopic level.
In January 2013Rebecca Russo, in collaboration with Professor Luisa Leonardi, at the Museum of Anatomical Waxes in Bologna, Italy curated the First Exhibitionin the World dedicated to the spanish Scientist and Artist Pau Golanò. It was named ‘Anatomy Profundae’. The event attracted 13.000 visitors as well as journalists and collectors. The scientific photography of Pau Golanò has been introduced into the contemporary art world.
Pau Golanò, ‘Anatomia Profundae’, 2013, Courtesy Videoinsight® Foundation
May 2014, L’Arena, ‘Anatomia ad Arte. Le fotografie di Pau Golano’ by M.T. Ferrari
May 2014, Brescia Oggi, ‘Anatomia ad Arte. Le fotografie di Pau Golano’ by M.T. Ferrari
24 February 2013, Exibart Emilia tra Medioevo e contemporaneo, anche corpo e medicina by P. Pluchino
24 February 2013, 5 Pezzi , ‘L’Anatomia Profundae’ di Pau Golanò by I.Fassio
16 February 2013, Musaeum, ‘Pau Golanò: Anatomia Profundae’
8 February 2013. Juliet Art Magazine ANATOMIA PROFUNDAE PAU GOLANO’ by I. Fassio
26 January 2013, ‘Quotidiano Quadri, suoni, luci e ombre: è la Notte Bianca’ by P. Pacoda
25 January 2013, Adnkronos : ‘Bologna, la scienza diventa arte: l’Anatomia Profundae’ di Golano
25 January 2013 Fotografia: ‘Bologna,la scienza diventa arte: l’Anatomia Profundae di Golanò
25 January 2013 Corriere della Sera, ‘Artisti e un pò scienziati. Quei Faust dell’anatomia’ by F. Bonazzoli
27 January 2013 Arcana Giuntura,’ Pau Golanò’ by I. Fassio
17 January 2013 Unibo Magazine, ‘Le anatomie di Pau Golanò al Museo Cattaneo’
16 January 2013 Il Resto del Carlino, ‘E la notte…’
16 January 2013 Il Sole 24 ORE, Artefiera 2012, Pau Golano’, by M. Mojana
16 January 2013 Il Resto del Carlino, Bologna, la Mostra Anatomia profundae di Pau Golanò
27 January 2013 Corriere di Bologna, ‘L’evento-La Notte bianca’
16 January 2013 La Repubblica, BolognaFotografia: Bologna, la scienza diventa arte in ‘Anatomia Profundae’ di Golano
16 January 2013 Repubblica,’ Bologna Anatomia Profundae tra le cere’
16 January 2013 Artribune.’ Bologna Updates:dall’esordio nell’arte di Paul Golanò ai video in rassegna alla Pinacoteca Nazionale, doppio appuntamento bolognese per il Centro Videoinsight’
16 January 2013 La Repubblica, Bologna ‘Calchi anatomici e ossa giurassiche i tesori dell’ateneo’
16 January 2013 MUSEO DELLE CERE ANATOMICHE “Luigi Cattaneo” curated by Rebecca Russo
26 January 2013 Il Resto Del Carlino ‘Le mostre che faranno discutere Corpi d’artista e psico-video’ by P.Pacoda
17 January 20132013 UNIBO magazine ‘Le anatomie di Pau Golanò al Museo Cattaneo’