Il Resto del Carlino | Premio Videoinsight® 2018
8 Febbraio 2018 | 11 Febbraio 2018
Il Resto del Carlino
Premio Videoinsight® 2018. Vince Cosimo Terlizzi con l’Opera ‘La Sacra Famiglia’

8 Febbraio 2018 | 11 Febbraio 2018
Il Resto del Carlino
Premio Videoinsight® 2018. Vince Cosimo Terlizzi con l’Opera ‘La Sacra Famiglia’
The Videoinsight® Foundation has assigned the VIDEOINSIGHT® PRIZE 2018 to COSIMO TERLIZZI for the Artwork entitled ‘LA SACRA FAMIGLIA’.
The photography has been included in the VIDEOINSIGHT® COLLECTION. A Solo Exhibition at the Videoinsight® Foundation will be granted to the Artist.
Courtesy Cosimo Terlizzi, Traffic Gallery, Rebecca Russo® | Videoinsight® Collection
Phoenicia Video Art Prize 2017
The Phoenicia Hotel Beirut is happy to announce that Rebecca Russo, President of the Videoinsight® Foundation, has selected Mario Daou’s “Northern Lights” video as the Winner for Video Art III: Free Your Mind.
All Art Works will be exhibited in a special Art Show at the Videoinsight® Foundation in Spring 2018.
Following is the conclusion from Rebecca Russo for each video Art Work.
Mario Daou – “Northern Lights” 2017
RR : “It contains a lot of energy, motion, power. The amount of colours is explosive. The artwork shows one shot the Life, the Science, the Art. It transmits happiness, joy, cheerfulness. It is amazing, chromo therapeutic, magic.”
Elie Fahed – “How Does It Feel To Miss Someone” 2017
RR : “It’s a performative work. It touches the soul, activates the reflection, promotes identification, and involves the spectator. It has a rushing rhythm. It’s powerful, gorgeous.”
Loukman Nassredine – “Suppression” 2017
RR : “It’s so psychoanalytic; it deeply represents the memory process, the amnesia, the forgetfulness, the elaboration of the loss, the unconscious removal. It has a very high Videoinsight® Impact; it’s perfect for Art Therapy applying the Videoinsight® Method. Everybody needs to remove something.”
Jeroen Kramer – “Untitled 305” 2017
RR : “It is very poetic, romantic, pictorial, and meditative. The black and white choice is original, the technique is sophisticated.”
Mamad Mossadegh – “The Breeze” 2016
RR : “It’s very delicate, fresh, and light. It promotes the meditation, the relaxation. It raises the pain, opens the hearth, and stimulates the Well-being.”
MARIO DAOU Northern Lights 2017
ELIE FAHED How Does It Feel to Miss Someone 2017
JEROEN KRAMER Untitled 305 2017
For its third successful year, Phoenicia Hotel is continuing to support the arts through the launch of VIDEO ART PROJET III: “FREE YOUR MIND” on September 21th 2017, in collaboration with Rebecca Russo, President of Videoinsight® Foundation. This new exhibition of five pieces of contemporary video art is being held in the Phoenicia lobby and is open to the general public. Guests of the Phoenicia have the added luxury of being able to view a comprehensive selection of video art from the Videoinsight® Foundation via the exclusive dedicated Video Art channel available complimentary in all rooms. VIDEO ART PROJECT III: FREE YOUR MIND features new art works from a competition run by Phoenicia Hotel and the Videoinsight® Foundation, and seeks to inspire and encourage local artists in Lebanon in the future. The competition winner will be announced beginning of October and will have their video work showcased at the Videoinsight® Foundation in Italy, as well as receiving a weekend stay at the Phoenicia. Artists interested in taking part in future competitions are invited to email VIDEO ART PROJECT III: “FREE YOUR MIND” is a continuation of Videoinsight® Foundation’s vision and commitment to Video Art, exhibiting the results from the previous competition, and further enhances the Phoenicia’s reputation as an art hotel that not only features many world-class works throughout its premises, but also seeks to support artists in Lebanon and the region.
ELIE FAHED How Does It Feel to Miss Someone 2017
JEROEN KRAMER Untitled 305 2017
MARIO DAOU Northern Lights 2017
Si comunica che il Vincitore del Premio Videoinsight® 2017 e’
Fabrizio Passarella con l’opera
‘Il Giardino Rabescato / The Arabesque-adorned Garden’
(Kitab al-Qalb) | 2013-2016
La Fondazione Videoinsight® acquisisce l’opera per la Videoinsight® Collection, offre all’Artista un Solo Show presso il Videoinsight® Center e la pubblicazione dell’opera nel Catalogo della Collezione Videoinsight® 2017.
Videoinsight® Prize Nomination
26 Gennaio 2017 | Il Resto del Carlino
‘Torna ad Arte Fiera il Premio Videoinsight
Un riconoscimento per le opere che curano l’Io’
The Videoinsight® Prize 2017 will be assigned by Rebecca Russo, President of the Videoinsight® Foundation, collector, patron, philanthropist, inventor of the Videoinsight® Method, to the artwork that promotes more efficiently in the viewers Care, Ethics and Search for Truth according to Michel Foucault. Videoinsight® means deep and evolutive awareness, obtained through the view of selected contemporary artworks, which involves mind and affectivity.
The VIDEOINSIGHT® PRIZE 2016 was assigned by Rebecca Russo, President of the Videoinsight® Foundation, collector, patron and creator of the Videoinsight® Method, to the artwork by Filip Dvorak CDF21122012 2013. The work has been included in the Videoinsight® Collection.
Videoinsight® means deep and evolutive awareness, obtained through the view of selected contemporary artworks, which involves mind and affectivity.
The ceremony took place on Saturday January 30th, 2016.
Doctor Tommaso Roberti di Sarsina represented the Videoinsight® Foundation during the Cerimony.
Videoinsight® Prize Arte Fiera 2016
Prize Winner:
Filip Dvorak CDF21122012 2013 2012/2013 Full HD video 1’57”
L’opera vince l’acquisizione da parte della Fondazione Videoinsight® e l’offerta di una Mostra Personale presso il Centro Videoinsight®.
La premiazione avverrà Sabato 30 gennaio 2016 alle h12,30 presso il Media Village.
Tommaso Roberti di Sarsina, che rappresenta Rebecca Russo, Presidente della Fondazione Videoinsight®, consegnera’ il Premio a Giorgia Lucchi Boccanera, gallerista che rappresenta l’artista in fiera.
Motivazione per l’assegnazione del Premio:
L’opera di Filip Dvorak CDF21122012 rappresenta la vita, la natura, la forza dell’arte che rinnova, rigenera, trasforma. E’ pura, urgente, universale.
Esprime bisogni primari. Promuove il benessere del corpo e della psiche. E’ romantica e spirituale: muove la ricerca del sublime. Apre la mente, tocca l’animo. RR