Bollettino Notiziario Ufficiale dell’Ordine Provinciale dei Medici di Bologna – Anno Li N.9 Settembre 2020
(ISSN 2281-4744 Edizione Stampa – ISSN 2281-4825 Edizione digitale)
Dicembre 2016
Salone d’Onore – Palazzo del CONI
(Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano) Roma
Combined Meeting Sigascot International Patellofemoral Study Group
‘Results from the Videoinsight® Method. The Multicentric International PF – Project (USA, France, Japan, Italy)’.
Lecture by Rebecca Russo | Videoinsight® Foundation
Universita’ degli Studi di Roma | CONI | ESSKA | Sigascot | IPSG | SIOT |ISAKOS | Ministero della Salute | Universita’ del Molise
Doctor Piero Secreto, Director SC Geriatrics Fatebenefratelli Hospital, San Maurizio Canavese, presented the Videoinsight® Method at the Conference ‘The neurocognitive disorders (DNC): from the clinic to the residential and semi-residential treatments‘ that has been held in Turin at the Conference Room of the Residence Principe Oddone dated May 20, 2016.
Title of speech: ‘The new frontiers of psycho-geriatrics in neurocognitive disorders’.
Videoinsight® Art and Science Foundation integrates Culture and Health introducing in an innovative way Contemporary Art inside Health Care Institutions and Social Contexts in order to activate the Promotion of Psycho-Physical Well-being, Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapy and Rehabilitation.
The Videoinsight® Method by Rebecca Russo, already experienced and checked in Orthopaedic Medicine with objective results disclosed and approved in the International Scientific Community since 2013, is applied in Geriatric Medicine as well, with the purpose of Improving the Quality of Life in Advanced Age Adults.
Since 2015 Videoinsight® Foundation created new Videoinsight® Rooms at the Fatebenefratelli Consolata Hospital, San Maurizio, Italy to project selected Contemporary Art Videos from the Videoinsight® Collection with High Videoinsight® Impact. Videoinsight® Rooms have been activated in Recovery Departement and in Alzheimer’s and Complex Senile Dementia Departement – UVA in collaboration with Director Doctor Piero Secreto. They offer to all patients Videoinsight® Experience to promote their Psycho-Physical Well-being .
Videoinsight® Program Goals are the Growth of Relaxation, Mood, Safety Feeling, Trust, Motivation, Imagination, the Reduction of Anxiety and Phobia, the Containment of Negative Emotions such as Isolation and Loneliness, the Reactivation of Healthy Resources and Psycho-Physical Dynamism and the Stimulation of Positive Emotions, the Psychophysical Evolution. Giovanna Giovannelli is curator of the Videoinsight® Program.
Since 2015 Doctor Piero Secreto‘s Equipe also collaborates with Rebecca Russo to realize the First Experimental Research, approved by the Ethical Committee, according with the Intenational Scientific Protocols, based on the Application of the Videoinsight® Method to the Alzheimer’s Syndrome and Senile Dementia Care .
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Rebecca Russo takes part in the 17th ESSKA Congress 2016 Barcelona, Spain by European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy.
The Scientific Committee of ESSKA has accepted as oral presentation in the Programme the submission of the abstract n.2137 entitled “A new psychological method to improving rehabilitation following total knee artroplasty”.
The abstract has been anonymously reviewed by designated experts and received a very good score.
Session: Free Papers: Activity after TKA
Date: 04.05.2016
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 h
Room: 113
Presentation no.: FP26-2137
Duration: 5 min. + 2 min. discussion