
Barranquilla | Colombia

Since May 2017 the Videoinsight® Foundation started a collaboration with Dr. Ivan Dario Donado – Médico egresado de la Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla), Ortopedista, Traumatólogo y Especialista en Cirugía del Reemplazo Articular de la Cadera y la Rodilla de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Hospital Militar Central), Jefe del Servicio de Ortopedia en el Hospital Metropolitano.

The Videoinsight® Method for the promotion of Well-being is applied in the Universidad de Norte (Barranquilla), in the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Hospital Militar Central) and in the Servicio de Ortopedia en el Hospital Metropolitano.


Salone d’Onore – Palazzo del CONI

Dicembre 2016
Salone d’Onore – Palazzo del CONI
(Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano) Roma

Combined Meeting Sigascot International Patellofemoral Study Group
‘Results from the Videoinsight® Method. The Multicentric International PF – Project (USA, France, Japan, Italy)’.
Lecture by Rebecca Russo | Videoinsight® Foundation

Universita’ degli Studi di Roma | CONI | ESSKA | Sigascot | IPSG | SIOT |ISAKOS | Ministero della Salute | Universita’ del Molise


Videoinsight® Room in Intensive Care

The Videoinsight® Foundation launched in the Reanimation and Intensive Care Department of the Sant’Agata dei Goti Hospital the Videoinsight® Room Pilot Project.
It is dedicated to patients with stress, respiratory diseases and induced coma, family members and healthcare professionals.
The Videoinsight® Method is applied to promote the Well-being.
The Research is curated by Doctor Noemi Vicchio.
