
Rebecca Russo ® Brand

Rebecca Russo ® brand was deposited in classes 41 and 44.

Classe 41 : Psychological Counseling
Classe 44 : Psychological Therapies through the Vision of Artistic Works

The Studio Buzzi Notaro Antonielli d’Oulx defends the Rebecca Russo ® intellectual property, the Rebecca Russo ® brand and the Rebecca Russo ® image against infringers, counterfeiters, imitators and copiers.

Rebecca Russo by Ralph Rafferty 2016

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Videoinsight® Brand

Videoinsight® is international brand deposited in classes 41 and 44.

Classe 41 : Psychological Counseling
Classe 44 : Psychological Therapies through the Vision of Artistic Works

The Studio Buzzi Notaro Antonielli d’Oulx defends the Videoinsight® intellectual property and the Videoinsight® brand at national and international level against infringers, counterfeiters, imitators and copiers.
