January 2013 – April 2013, KSSTA Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy – Official Journal of ESSKA
Zaffagnini S. – Russo R.L “The Videoinsight® Method: Improving Rehabilitation Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Preliminary Study”
Rebecca L. Russo, The Videoinsight® Concept, Roma, CIC, 2013, e-book su Apple Store – Inglese
‘The Videoinsight® Concept’ is an e-book available on Apple Store published by CIC in 2013.
It was written by Rebecca Russo: Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Contemporary Art Collector, Founder of the Videoinsight® Center and President of the Art and Science Videoinsight® Foundation in Italy.
It illustrates with text and images the Videoinsight® Method: the Prevention, the Diagnosis and the Treatment through interaction with selected images of contemporary art.
It is written in English and aimed at an international integrated, expanded audience: Contemporary Art (artists, dealers, curators, art critics, collectors, directors of museums, viewers), Psychology and Psychotherapy, Medicine. It was created for Education and Training in the artistic and psychological world. It is the basic manual for all students in the Videoinsight® Post Graduated Permanent Course.
The ebook has a text describing the Videoinsight® Method, many images of art works in high definition, interactive, with High Videoinsight® Impact, grouped on the basis of psychological themes, 15 videos of Contemporary Art (sketches) with High Videoinsight® Impact associated with psychological themes.
Artists included in the e.book are internationally renowned. Among these, Marina Abramovic, Paola Pivi, Francesco Vezzoli, Ronald Ventura, Eko Nugroho, Liu Ding, AES+ F, Regina Josè Galindo, Santiago Sierra, Vanessa Beecroft, Katarzyna Kozyra, Nathalie Djurberg, Ali Kazma, Keren Cytter, Entang Wiharso, Victor Alimpiev, Polina Kanis, Julika Rudelius.
The works presented are not just pictures or videos, but also paintings and installations.
The psychological issues addressed are the Deep Anatomy, the Body, the Eros and the Thanatos (Sexuality and Aggressiveness), the Dream, the Identity, the Narcissism, the Compulsion to Repetition, the Dependence, the Retraction, the Relationship, the Multiplicity, the Change, the Communication, the Insight, the Creativity.
On the cover is presented the work “Anatomia Profundae” of Pau Golanò, spanish scientist artist.
It’s a dynamic, original and multi-media book.
Rebecca Russo, Zaffagnini Stefano: “The Videoinsight® Method: application in Medical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation” in Psychology Research, No. 4, Vol. 4, April, 2014, David Publishing Company 3592 Rosemead, CA USA.
Rebecca Russo – Stefano Zaffagnini, “The Videoinsight® Method”
The Videoinsight® Foundation establishes Videoinsight® Rooms and Videoinsight® Corners no profit inside Public and Private Health Care Institutions in the world, in order to offer the possibility to watch Contemporary Art Videos with High Videoinsight® Impact.
This initiative can promote the Psycho-Physical Well-being in the patients during waiting in emergency, recovery and rehabilitation.
All videos shown are part of the Videoinsight® Collection. Every artwork is selected in relation to a specific Psychological Thematic.
On September 20, 2013 the first Videoinsight® Room was created at the Rizzoli Hospital in Bologna.
On January 2014 the first italian Videoinsight® Corner was launched in Gaetano Pini Hospital in Milano.
Starting 2014 new Videoinsight® Rooms and Videoinsight® Corners have been created in the World.
The Application of the Videoinsight® Method is moving on.
At International level a Pilot Multicentric Study is running for the Application of the Videoinsight® Method in Therapy to treat the anterior knee Pain of young patients with patello-femoral problems not suitable for surgical treatment.
This study is performed simultaneously:
– in Usa, at University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis Orthopaedic Surgery Center, directed by Professor Elisabeth Arendt
– in France, at Lyon Orthoclinic Chirurgie du Sport et de l’Arthrose, directed by Doctor David Dejour
– in Japan, at Kobe University, in cooperation with Professor Ryosuke Kuroda
– in Italy, at Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute in Bologna, Professor Maurilio Marcacci and Professor Stefano Zaffagnini
It is the third experimental application of the Videoinsight® Method in Medicine.
Moreover is the first International Muticentric Experimental application of Videoinsight® Method in Medicine.
For the first time the Videoinsight® Method is utilized as a Therapy and not only as a support to a post surgical Rehabilitation protocol.
Rebecca Russo teached the Videoinsight® Method in Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna, Italy, in collaboration with Prof. Maurizio Giuffredi.
Videoinsight® Books became official bibliography.