Bollettino Notiziario Ufficiale dell’Ordine Provinciale dei Medici di Bologna – Anno Li N.9 Settembre 2020
(ISSN 2281-4744 Edizione Stampa – ISSN 2281-4825 Edizione digitale)
The Videoinsight® Method has been applied with significant results in the Rehabilitation of Psychological Resources that were compromised by physical illness, trauma, stress, crisis and evolutionary stalls. In 2012 the Videoinsight® Method has been tested in Rehabilitation in Orthopaedics Medicine with significative results, published since 2013 on High Impact Factor International Magazines and presented in many Scientific Congresses in the World.
For further information see Publications in Videoinsight® Section/ Scientific Research in Medicine Section.
Hans Op de Beck, Parade, still from video, 2012, Videoinsight® Collection