Training for Companies

Technogym Company, Wellness Center

Rebecca Russo made the first application of Videoinsight® Method in Corporate Training on April 24, 2013 in Technogym Company at Wellness Center, Cesena, Italy. After two meetings with Silvano Zanuso, scientific Director, she showed five art videos, according to Videoinsight® Method, to a selected group of ten managers with different skills. The goal was to train the managers. Technogym Company will apply the Videoinsight® Method exclusively with the supervision of Rebecca Russo.


UniCredit UniManagement Developing Leadership

Rebecca Russo made the second application of the Videoinsight® Method for the Trainings in Company at UniCredit UniManagement Developing Leadership in Turin, Italy. It was in five sessions on May 2013, June 2013, October 2013 and November 2013. The experiment was developed in collaboration with Catterina Seia, Anna Simioni, Alberto De Biasi and Laura Bendekovic. During the first two phases and with the presence of Catterina Seia and Anna Simioni, Rebecca Russo showed five art videos (three on the first meeting and two in the second) to two different groups of professionals from different countries, characterized by different skills.During the third phase, the Group led by Rebecca Russo, experienced actively the Videoinsight® Method, developing the Videoinsight® Interpretation of the artwork, in accordance with the Rules of the Videoinsight® Method and Videoinsight® Concept for the Corporate Training.
In the fourth phase Rebecca Russo along with Catterina Seia, carried out a training consultancy focused on Videoinsight® Method, to teach two professionals – Alberto De Biasi and Laura Bendekovic – how to apply the Videoinsight® Method with a group of foreign Managers coming from different countries, in the context of a workshop of High Education, and focusing on the themes of “ambiguity ” and of  “complexity”. In the fifth phase Alberto De Biasi and Laura Bendekovic experienced the Videoinsight® Method developing the experience with the group in the presence of Catterina Seia and under the supervision of Rebecca Russo. Catterina Seia and Rebecca Russo were observers, not participating to the group experience. A feed-back session with them followed.Both sessions were positive. UniCredit UniManagement Developing Leadership and Catterina Seia apply the Videoinsight® Method exclusively with the participation and Supervision of Rebecca Russo.
