September 2015

Who cares?

Who cares?
by Videoinsight® Foundation

Marina Abramovic – Maria Jose’ Arjona – Yael Bartana – Vanessa Beecroft – Keren Cytter – Nathalie Djurberg – Simon Fujiwara – Regina Jose’ Galindo – Ragnar Kyartansson – Joseph Kosuth – Paola Pivi – Thomas Ruff – Santiago Sierra – Tobias Zielony – Francesca Woodman

October 1st, 2015 7pm
Videoinsight® Center v. Bonsignore 7 Torino Italy


Joseph Kosuth ‘Condizioni d’Assenza (Il nome e chi lo porta, a G.) V (Venere Medici 9 a.C.)’ 1999 Videoinsight® Collection

Rome, SIOT National Congress 2015

Rebecca Russo has presented the results of the ‘Video- Tka Research: the Videoinsight® Method improves the Rehabilitation after total knee replacement’ during the SIOT National Congress 2015, Rome, 7 – 10 November 2015.
The Video – Tka Medical Research was made at the Rizzoli Institute in collaboration with the team directed by Prof. M.G. Benedetti.

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