September 2016

Videoinsight® Magazine 2016|5

Videoinsight® Magazine 2016|5

The Videoinsight® Method: Culture of Vision and Learning Process

Art and creativity – through an innovative culture of vision and active processing sustained and developed by Rebecca Russo Videoinsight® Method – offer a significant theoretical support and a methodological powerful side to pedagogy and to education science, because the emotional and affective dimension is the root of all training and learning process.

The space of aesthetic is characterized by an inevitable relationship, founded both on the senses and on the recognition of the importance of logical or emotional component of every relationship with otherness. The perceptual knowledge mode will play a predominant role in our approach to an aesthetic practice: a connection that will be both intellectual and cultural, conceived as a rational knowledge. The perceptive mode refers to a physical concept, more empirical and hermeneutics. The second mode is more logic.

The definition of Aesthetics always lives within this fascinating ambivalence: the dimension of knowledge is related to the senses and, at the same time, to the possibility of operating selections and judgments about the events. These choices are based on the subsequent reaction to the emotional perception.

This definition – formulated trying to retrieve the most authentic and original historic and etymological features of the term – helps us to clarify the dynamics. It is not only necessary to take a spontaneous intuitive criterion consisting in awaiting a kind of shock or appearance in front of something – the other-than-self dimension -. Rather, the visitore is called to get actively into the construction of representations and horizons, participating with awareness to the ongoing consolidation. His approach will be able to destroy and redefine all paradigms – including the ones referring to the category of beauty – through which the sensitivity becomes exchange, comment, discussion and, finally, culture.

From this point of view, art, through the contribution of Rebecca Russo Videoinsight® Method, provides a significant support, a theoretical and methodological powerful side to pedagogy and creativity, inasmuch as the emotional and affective dimension of training and learning processes is inevitably significant: the experiential need and the aesthetic dimension have always to build together and, at the same time, to help growth.

Ivan Fassio
